...so basically I applied to volunteer at the Hayward Gallery via Twitter, got sent a massive application form to fill in and then went to an open evening held at the Royal Festival Hall (next to the Hayward) we were introduced to the 3 areas of the show that were open for volunteers then had an interview with staff from the Hayward (mine was with Andrew who is in charge of Corporate Responsibility - check him out!! Basically he's in charge of the volunteer programme amongst other things). We then had a talk with a guy who I had noticed generally mooching around drinking tea, dressed pretty cas in a rather bright orange hoodie...this guy is Jeremy Deller! I on't know what I expected/imagined but this wasn't it!! He seemed really lovely and excited about his upcoming show. He told us about the different parts of the show and why he had created them what they meant to him etc etc. We were then free to leave, I met some lovely ladies on the open evening, all from different backgrounds and jobs, so I hoped to be volunteering the same shifts as them.
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